Pawsable Assistance Dog Scheme

Helping Life Happen

We are thrilled to be working with these guys, flying the Petsercise flag and spreading the word that where dogs are concerned, anything is Pawsable.

Pawsable believe in a truly wonderful cause; helping people in need and supporting the their household pets in becoming assistance or therapy dogs. This may be working with current disabilities and difficulties, as well as planning for the future for individuals who suffer from progressive or degenerative illness.

What is an Assistance Dog?
An assistance dog or a therapy dog learns to recognise behaviours, changes and situational stimuli, and offer response behaviours, actions and support.
Dogs can offer emotional support, as well as fulfill a skill or requirement; such as to alert something (for example a Door Bell, an imminent Seizure, or an approaching car), or to carry out a task (for example fetching an item, or pressing a button)

Petsercise are working with Pawsable to assess these dogs for suitability, and then offer Training for dogs and their owners to succeed in Assistance or Therapy.

We offer training and support in the following areas:

  • PTSD work

  • Alerting Behaviours (imminent seizures, door bells, approaching vehicles etc)

  • Specific Autism Tasks

  • Deep Pressure Therapy

  • Tethering Harness Work

  • Scent Work around meltdowns and responding to behavioural anxieties

  • General Disability Assistance Tasks

Types of Assistance Dogs

Pawsable’s specialism is autism, however they have dogs who assist their owners for other conditions such as PTSD or as Disability Assistance Dogs. 

Pawsable have trainers in the UK who work with families and their dogs specifically to train calm and focussed behaviour and excellent handling skills, for a solid and trustworthy partnership when out and about in public. Petsercise are thrilled to offer one of these training schemes.

Pawsable give you a foundation of support and a network of help and expertise that you don't have when you are an owner-trainer in isolation. For more information, please give us a shout, or visit