Hannah nominated for young farmer of the year

We're thrilled to announce that Hannah has been nominated for the Young Farmer of the Year award, and we couldn't be prouder!

Her unwavering commitment to the well-being of animals, along with her incredible "can-do" attitude, is truly commendable. Hannah's passion for dogs and livestock animals shines through in her dedication to ensuring they have the best possible life. Her work perfectly aligns with the core values of Petsercise, which are all about making a positive impact.

At Petsercise, we're all about fostering harmony between farmers, wildlife, and the community. From donating silage to support cattle feeding, creating safe spaces for dogs protecting livestock and farmers working fields, protected areas designated for wildlife and exploring therapy with animals for children, we firmly believe that collaboration leads to the greatest success

Join us in congratulating Hannah on this well-deserved nomination and supporting our mission to create a better world for animals and farmers alike!

#YoungFarmerOfTheYear #Petsercise

#AnimalWelfare #CommunitySupport less


Petsercise puppy classes and scent work classes


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