Talking ‘Dog Reactivity’ with Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter
Sean and Lauren were back at Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter, this time hosting a seminar directly targeting dog reactivity, something many rescue shelter staff see plenty of. We looked into profiling and categorizing each dog; the reasons behind their reactivity and then examples of drills that are safe for the staff to implement, aiming to improve the behavior whilst the dog is in the shelter.
Sean said
“At the core of what we are aiming to do today is give the staff confidence that they can work on serious behaviors, safely.
The staff are now ready to take on higher level training activities which I’m thrilled about, and this will massively help the rehoming programme”
Petsercise are so passionate about rescue dogs, and this will be fundamental to help dogs getting profiled correctly, managed appropriately and rehabilitated optimally whilst in the shelter, as well as for the handover from shelter staff to new owners being as accurate and clear as possible. Ultimately, we want every dog to have a happy and healthy home, and that starts with education and knowledge.
The whole programme is aimed at breaking down potentially difficult behaviors and drills, and re-formatting them into ideas that are simple and safe for dog and handler.
Rescue shelters run on such a tight time scale, and deal with such varied dogs, behaviors and backgrounds, so there is a lot to unpack. The seminar has been teaching leading industry standards and new theories, but ensuring these ideas are passed over practically and in ways that are plausible and realistic. Newcastle Dog and Cat Shelter are a charitable organization, that at times run on low resources but still continue to do such an amazing job.
If you have a rescue dog and need some support, please get in touch on 07903206737